Friday, April 15, 2005

Search Engine Optimization - Using Keywords in Links

Search Engine Optimization - Using Keywords in Links
by James Timothy Faasse

When your optimizing your website for search engines there are some link building strategies that you want to try and achieve to help be ranked higher up on search engines.

Link Building Tips
Tip 1
Use your main keywords in your 'visible' link tags. This is very important to do because it shows the search engines that you have more relevant information on those keywords.

Tip 2
Use those main keywords at the very start of your link tags Those closer to the keyword is to the front of the link tag the more the search engines will think it is of importance.

Tip 3
Try and use the keywords more than once. Dont abuse this tip by putting keywords one after the other. Try and put one keyword than some information, than another keyword. If you list to many keywords together chances are that you will become penalized by the search engines.

Tip 4
Incoporate plurals of your keywords throughout your linking structure. Some search engines (if not most) are making it so that keywords are automatically using plurals. This is a benefit to you, but not all search engines are doing this so try and add in multiple keywords in plural form and in regular form throughout your site.

Tip 5
Use your keywords in your 'visible' link tags, and use them in your page name. This helps increase your keyword ranking by having those extra keywords in the visible link area and in the page name area. Great way to get those keyword points.

Examples of Link Building Tips

Tip 1
Home for Webdesign
Note the homepage would be able webdesign. So why not incoporate a keyword in front of the link.

Tip 2
Webdesign Home
Including it at the front eliminates the need of 'for' and increases the relevancy of the keyword.

Tip 3
Webdesign - Click here to learn about our webdesign information. Search Engine Optimization
Learn about our webdesign Search engine optimization information.

Note: the first link I used the keyword webdesign. I than used the same keyword again in the second links description.

Tip 4
Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Optimizing or SEO

Tip 5
Example Visible Link

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