Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Marketing Know-How that's Guaranteed to Work!

Back to the Marketing Know-How that's Guaranteed to Work Successfully in Every Medium!

From the desk of James Faasse`

Dear Business Owner,

Direct marketing "The business of selling goods and services and raising money over long distances" began on June 10, 1194, when he great French Cathedral of Chartres burned to the ground.

In order to rebuild, Bishop Regnault de Mouçon wrote to the rich and noble families of England and France asking for money. Although those first letters do not exist, no doubt the bishop laid on a guilt trip and perhaps promised immortality by memorializing the donors in the stained glass windows

When televangelist Dr. Robert Shuler commissioned Philip Johnson and John Burgee to create the great Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California he sent out a mailing asking the TV faithful to " buy" a window for $15 and rewarded the donor with hunk of Plexiglas as a thank you. Just like Chartres only 800 years later.

Since the fire at Chartres, a vast treasury of direct marketing rules, secrets, canons and customs has evolved "the results of 800+ years of testing and reading the numbers." No other advertising or marketing discipline can touch this body of information.

The main reason for the dot-com crash of 2000 is that the hotshot little twenty-somethings who created the protocols did not know squat about the lessons of the past--the rules of marketing, copy and design. What's more, they did not want to know them. "This is a new medium and a new paradigm,"they crowed. "We don't need you old timers."

The majority of these kids are out of work while we graybeards are busier than ever.

So back it's to basics. Back to the marketing know-how that has grown up over the centuries and works successfully in every medium" print, phone, fax and E-commerce."

Again, welcome.

And good hunting!

1 comment:

  1. I love it when I rea about people who really "get it" when it comes to sales and marketing. What old is new again. I suggest everyone who reads your post also get a hold on some Dan Kennedy and/or Gary Halbert stuff. You will discover a whole new world and FOCUS.

    Internet Marketer
